
vroid head edit for commercial use

5,971 TRI 1素材 Apyr Vroid Head FBX、および.blendが含まれています。 3Dモデリングの使用に! クレジット; vroid apyr キャミィ VRChat。 ルール; 再販はありません。 個別の配布はありません。 完成したモデルでのみ再販可能です。 ご質問やご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。 使用時にapyrとvroidをクレジットしてください! TDAを使用しません ----- 5,971 TRI 1 MATERIAL Apyr Vroid Head FBX, and .blend included. For any 3d modeling use! Credits; vroid apyr Cammy VRChat. Rules; No resale. No individual distribution. Only resell-able on a finished model. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me. Please credit apyr AND vroid when use! DOES NOT USE TDA. TDA TEXTURES AND UV ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE USED. EDITS TO THIS HEAD ARE FORBIDDEN TO BE SOLD ON THEIR OWN. Adding edit to nitro is OK Distributing individually for cost is NOT OKAY Distributing without profit is OKAY WITH CREDITING ME Distributing with profit ON FINISHED MODEL is OKAY WITH CREDITING ME

vroid head edit for commercial use
5,971 TRI 1素材 Apyr Vroid Head FBX、および.blendが含まれています。 3Dモデリングの使用に! クレジット; vroid apyr キャミィ VRChat。 ルール; 再販はありません。 個別の配布はありません。 完成したモデルでのみ再販可能です。 ご質問やご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。 使用時にapyrとvroidをクレジットしてください! TDAを使用しません ----- 5,971 TRI 1 MATERIAL Apyr Vroid Head FBX, and .blend included. For any 3d modeling use! Credits; vroid apyr Cammy VRChat. Rules; No resale. No individual distribution. Only resell-able on a finished model. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me. Please credit apyr AND vroid when use! DOES NOT USE TDA. TDA TEXTURES AND UV ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE USED. EDITS TO THIS HEAD ARE FORBIDDEN TO BE SOLD ON THEIR OWN. Adding edit to nitro is OK Distributing individually for cost is NOT OKAY Distributing without profit is OKAY WITH CREDITING ME Distributing with profit ON FINISHED MODEL is OKAY WITH CREDITING ME